Helen Hunt Aesthetics & Skin Care aims to provide you with not just good service but also rich information about aesthetic treatments, anti-aging, anti-wrinkles, botox, microneedling and so much more. Our blogs are available for you to make an informed decision about your next aesthetic treatment.
5 Tips To Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer
Summer brings the promise of long days enjoying the hot weather, either in the UK or on holiday in far-flung destinations. But while we’re looking forward to the sunny season, high temperatures and dry conditions can cause damage to our...
The latest new from Helen Hunt Aesthetics – August 2022
A lot has been happening here at Helen Hunt Aesthetics and we are so excited to share it with you. Helen attended the Teoxane conference in London which was a full day of news, lectures and training from the aesthetic sector as well as an insight...
How Does A Chemical Peel Work?
Many people find chemical peels can leave them feeling rejuvenated and more confident. However, if you’ve never had one before, you may have some reservations or questions about what’s involved in this skin care treatment. The following information...
The latest news from Helen Hunt Aesthetics – June 2022
Summer is it on its way and the clinic is starting to get busier! Helen has decided to grow the team by adding an administrative assistant, May Kendrew-Welton. We want to make sure your enquiries are dealt with quickly, so you might hear from May...
Everything You Should Know About Wrinkle Fillers
Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing, but if you want to minimise the effects, you might be considering wrinkle filler or another form of wrinkles treatment for fine lines. It’s a good idea to gather as much knowledge about the process before...
Treatment Focus for March: Medical Grade Facials | Helen Hunt Aesthetics
Latest News from Helen Hunt Aesthetics Hello, The first newsletter of the New Year and it’s already been super busy! With the clinics getting busier we have been worried about getting to your calls and messages as efficiently as usual. Helen has...
4 reasons why you should get a skin care facial
Nothing feels better than a fresh, glowing complexion. Though we focus on a range of aesthetic treatments at Helen Hunt, one of our favourite ways to help our clients achieve luminous, rejuvenated skin is through a customised skin care facial....
What you should know before getting Botox for fine lines
If you’re looking to reduce the signs of aging, you may be considering Botox for your fine lines and wrinkles. Before undergoing treatment, however, it’s important that you have all the facts at your disposal. You may decide that this is the right...
Helen’s Visit to the Alumier Head Office for Training
Hello from Helen Hunt Aesthetics! This month, Helen visited the Alumier head office in Shoreditch, London for in-depth training on their professional and home range of products. Helen has decided to introduce the Alumier range to her clinics...
Focus on WOW Fusion Facials ahead of the Festive Season
Latest News Hello from Helen Hunt Aesthetics! This month Helen headed to the Excel centre in London for the Clinical Cosmetic Regenerative (CCR) conference. Helen has really been looking forward to this opportunity to meet with surgical and...
7 Wrinkle Treatments That Are Proven Effective
We all know that ageing often comes with fine lines and wrinkles. And, while these are a natural part of getting older, you may wish to retain your smooth complexion that little bit longer. If that’s the case, here are seven wrinkle treatments that...
The Common Causes of Wrinkles, and How to Prevent Them
Want to keep your complexion smooth and youthful? Whilst wrinkles are a natural side effect of ageing, there are certain ways to help ward them off. By following our prevention and protection tips, you can ensure you’re getting the best skincare at...